2nd Juma’
2:20 pm
3rd Juma’
2:40 pm if needed
Alsalam Alikum brothers and sisters
We pray that everyone is having a blessed month of Ramadan and making their family ties even stronger.
Balancing the safety of our community and the religious obligation to perform Salah in Jamaat is a very difficult and sensitive task. We continuously think about it and deliberate its merits.
Alhamdu Lillah we are blessed with a large outdoor soccer field that gives us certain options that may not be available to others.
We decided to open the soccer field for Jumaa prayers from Friday (5/8) with the following stipulations:
1- those that do not feel it is safe enough for them should not attend. Especially those that fall in any risk category such as age, respiratory illness or any other pre existing condition. As a matter of fact, we are mandating that they stay home
2- we will limit the jumaa to 50 people at a time.
Below are Juma’ timings:
1st Juma’ : 2pm
2nd Juma’ : 2:20 pm
3rd Juma’ : 2:40 pm if needed
3- everyone must wear masks. No exceptions. Also socks are required
4- everyone must maintain the 6 feet separation from the moment they enter our parking lot. Even family members carpooling must maintain this distance once they step out of the car
5- bring your own mussallah and come with Wudu. Our facility is not open unfortunately.
6- children under the age of 12, men over the age of 65 and women are not allowed.
We ask everyone to strictly abide by these rules. One single violation may cause us to shut this option down as we cannot risk the safety of our people.
We will also monitor the progress the country makes in fighting this pandemic.
Positive outcome will lead to opening up for the five daily prayers Insha Allah. However, we will be deliberate in our decision making and not rush until we feel it is safe enough.
Jazakum Allah Khairan
Masjid Hamzah Board
Alsalam Alikum brothers and sisters,
We pray that you and your loved ones are safe and not affected by the pandemic. Alhamdu Lillah, our Masjid is able to maintain Jumaa and 5 daily prayers, being blessed with such a large land that we can maintain effective social distancing Alhamdu Lillah.
Fasting and Extra Ibadah
As you are all aware that prophet Muhammad PBUH said that fasting the day of Arafah will cleans the sins of the year before it and the year after it. Also, these are the 10 best days of the year to offer sincere worship to Allah SWT.
Iftar the Day of Arafah
We are pleased to have partnered this year with Islamic relief to offer drive-through Iftar on the day of Arafah which is Thursday July 30th Insha Allah. Please remain in your car and our volunteer will hand you the food in containers and plastic bags. The distribution will be between 7 PM and 8 PM Insha Allah.
Eid and Jumaa Prayers
This year’s Eid falls on a Friday Masha Allah making it a Hajj Akbar Insha Allah. Our plans are two Eid Salah: 7:30 AM by brother Tareef Saeb and 8:45 by brother Mohammad Kanawati Insha Allah.
Just like Friday and 5 daily prayers: masks, bringing your prayer rug and social distancing are a must.
The one point we must stress is to avoid shaking hands or hugging one another. We understand its Eid and that we all love to share the joy of hugging each other on such a wonderful day. Safety comes first and Allah SWT rewards on Neyyah (intentions) Insha Allah.
We will still hold Jumaa salah as usual on the day of Eid Insha Allah.
We still do not have facility to have sisters join us for Eid or Jumaa yet. Also, we require that young children under the age of 10 and men over the age of 65 stay home.
Parking – Do not Park at Metcam Under Any Circumstance
Our neighbor, Metcam, has always been generous to us allowing us to park at their facility Ramadan nights and when Eid falls on a weekend. It is imperative that, with Eid this year being on a Friday, we do not occupy a single parking spot belonging to Metcam. It is extremely important that we maintain our best relationship with this very good neighbor and all of our neighbors in general.
The police officer(s) we hire to maintain security and traffic will be instructed not to allow any of our community members to park at Metcam.
We will pass sweets after Eid salah Insha Allah
Donations Requested
Our Masjid like almost every other Masjid has been affected financially by lack of fundraising and lesser people at Jumaa. We would like to request each family to donate at least $20 to help us cover our general expenses.
Volunteers Needed
We need additional volunteers so please come forward and reply to this email if you are willing to dedicate some of your time to help us manage the prayers. Please email us at board@masjidhamzah.com if you are interested in helping us out with any volunteer activities
Jazakum Allah Khairan